Kitchen update

Well, the appliances are finally wired in – just need to put the sponge strip around underneath the hob, fasten the extractor fan hose onto the top, and screw the oven into the cabinet and we can use it. The splashback is going to cause some problems due to the worktop not going right back against the wall. We’ll just have to see how it goes.


After having spent Sunday night in hospital with suspected appendicitis, I can say that it’s really not something I want to do again in a hurry. Thankfully I was feeling much better by the morning and was discharged before lunch. Never did fully figure out what was wrong but I just hope it doesn’t happen again.

Addiction (part 2)

In case anyone’s wondering about how I got on with giving up Diet Coke, I’m back on it.. however, I did go for 35 days without any and now only have one or two cans a day. I guess aiming for a specific timeframe such as 28 days really works.
Although intake of diet coke has decreased, tea consumption is up to around 10 cups a day at times and I’ve gone through a box of 80 PG Tips teabags and most of a box of 240 teabags in the last month!


Well, only a few weeks to go but it seems like the shops have had Christmas goods available for months! Eventually we’ll be just moving into July and they’ll be advertising Christmas 🙁
Oh, and I’ve still not bought any Christmas presents.. nevermind eh?

Giant Mice?

We now have a 12cm hole in the kitchen wall. Ok, so it’s not giant mice.
Thanks Dad! It’s just right for the new extractor fan to vent through. The hob also fits into the worktop properly now as well.. not long now before the kitchen is finished.


It’s been 3 whole days since I had any diet coke (since sunday night)… many cups of tea seems to have helped keep me awake when required although it’s a lot harder to wake up in the morning. I’ve been told it takes 28 days to make or break a habit.. 3 and counting..

Getting there…

Well, the kitchen is getting there slowly. Not much left to do before the electrician can come back and wire in the appliances. Then we can get the sink fitted in properly so that we have water in the kitchen once more.
My advice to anyone considering replacing their kitchen – get someone else to do it for you in a few days (or if you’re a plumber/builder/electrician, book a week off and get it done quickly). This business of destroying a kitchen over the space of a year really sucks.