The Pool (part 2)

Went out to check how the pool was doing yesterday. It’s been there a week and no-one has yet ventured into it because of the awful weather we’ve been having. After all the rain last week, there was quite a large puddle collected in the top of the makeshift cover (an old polythene dust sheet weighted at each corner and held around the pool by the garden hose).
Having emptied the contents of the cover out onto the lawn, I figured that maybe wasn’t such a good idea after all because the lawn was as wet as the inside of the pool!
Maybe the weather will pick up somewhat this week and the kids will actually get some use out of it.

A hatred of floppy disks

I never realised how much I hated floppy disks until today. They’re slow, clunky and unreliable. It should be a simple matter to transfer a 1.1Mb RAID card firmware update to a machine with no O/S but no.. first the floppy drive in my PC doesn’t have the power connected, then it fails to recognise any disk I put in there.
After a reboot, it finds the drive, finds the disk, formats the disk (one of a box of 10). Copy the files onto it and insert into drive on other machine.
Data error reading drive A.
Tried the same thing on 3 different disks and two different PCs but still no luck.
I ended up writing 1MB to a 700MB CDR – what a waste!