The journey down to Gatwick airport

After an uneventful drive down, we checked into Le Meridian hotel which is right next to the north terminal at London Gatwick airport. Very convenient for the flight tomorrow morning at 10am. We should be able to wake up, pack the cases and walk to the terminal ready to check-in by 8am. Given the prices of some of the meals here in the hotel, I suspect breakfast is going to be a McDonalds breakfast after we’ve checked in.

Comment spam on this blog

Well, it looks like the changes I made a while back aren’t having any impact on the number of comment spams that are being posted here so I’m going to have to try a couple more ideas at some point. For now, I’ll just keep trimming them out of the db so you don’t have to see them.

Importing self-signed certificates into Apple Mail

Apple Mail likes to prompt about self-signed certificates when connecting to imap or pop servers over ssl. Unfortunately this gets rather annoying after a while so here’s how to import the self-signed certificate into your system.
This is based on a hint from Mac OSX hints but it seems they didn’t quite get a couple of the commands right. Notably the certtool line – you import the .der file not the .pem and you have to make sure you include it from the right directory as well.

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