Server gone

I finally decommissioned my old server today. Everything is on the new one which is behaving fine (probably jinxed it now!) I brought the old one home as it’s just a little desktop machine and just right for the kids to use.

Migration of sites

Well, on the whole the migration of the sites from the old server to the new server went relatively smoothly. Just a few minor hiccups with missing Perl modules and permissions on files. I’ve got some pretty looking bandwidth graphs using rrdtool but nothing’s appearing on the mail stats graphs yet.

New server

Due to various reasons, I ordered a dedicated server today from PoundHost. Quite a good spec, plenty of disk space, and 850GB of data transfer per month. Compare that with the current server – limited disk space, was a good spec 2 years ago, and 30GB of data transfer.
The only thing is the 850GB of data includes both inbound and outbound traffic unlike the previous hosting company that only counts outbound traffic.
So far, I’ve been quite impressed by the speed at which the server was setup and how helpful the guys at PoundHost have been. I suspect it’ll be a while before I’m done setting the server up as I’m intending to do things right this time.