iTunes 4.9 update

It seems that lots of people were keen to try out iTunes 4.9 and the sheer volume of downloads was why a number of the podcasts were timing out. I tried them today and they all updated fine however there is an intermittent issue where iTunes complains that the podcast isn’t a valid URL, but then an hour or two later it works ok again. Now if I can just figure out how to add some unlisted podcasts to the subscription page, I’ll be sorted.

iTunes 4.9 released

The long awaited (well, since the world wide developers conference earlier this month) iTunes 4.9 release is out! The main new feature is support for podcasts through the iTunes music store.
I subscribed through iTunes to a bunch of podcasts that I currently download using iPodder and it timed out fetching half of the files.

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Perl module woes

I tried installing IPTables::IPv4 so that I can manage firewall rules from a perl script but unfortunately the ‘make test’ stage failed in such a way that it setup some rules that blocked all traffic to and from the server! To be honest, that’s a pretty bad module if there’s a chance it might lock you out during the install process!
Some 35 minutes later and everything was working ok again thanks to some swift ticket responses from PoundHost tech support.
Rule #1 (along with all the other #1’s), never do anything firewall related on a remote server unless you have a way to back it out if something goes wrong.