Harry Potter (again)

Well, the latest book in the Harry Potter series has been out for a few days. I actually heard about it in a podcast I was listening to on Saturday morning (16th July) whilst on my way to Tesco for some groceries. I went into Tesco and right in front of the entrance was a huge pallet full of copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince being sold for a mere £7.97. I was going to order a copy from Amazon but figured since I was there anyway and it was quite a reasonable price I might as well get it from Tesco.

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Targetted advertising

Thought I’d put my Google Adsense code into a couple of my old web games to see what they come up with…
Rock, Paper, Scissors – a web version of the classic game.
Throw a snowball – Seasonal script that lets you throw snowballs at people over email.
The adverts on the rock paper scissors page were for wrapping paper and the snowball ads appear to be for a C/C++ programming service and an online shoe shop.